Friday, June 1, 2012

Playing the LOSING Game

Welcome my friends, aboard the MFP game show extraordinaire, the LOSING GAME!!! (cue thunderous applause)..

Rules of the Game are SIMPLE and if you follow them, everyone's a winner!

1) Write what you bite.
Anything that goes into your mouth gets logged (as best you can) into your journal. ANYTHING. Yes, those side dishes and sauces count. YES, you should count even that "taste" you had. Why? Because not logging it isn't going to help you lose.

2) Move your feet, there's more to eat.
Exercise calories allow you to enjoy more food. From what I understand (and I know there are those who will disagree with me here but this is what's been working for me)... The more you exercise, the more you can eat and still lose. I know some people say it's not working for them, and far be it from me to claim to be a professional... but the logic of the MFP system makes sense to me. Eating less than 1200 calories a day, on the other hand, does not.

3) Be a friend, don't offend.
Chances are if you are on this site, and reading this blog, you are one of the people who needs people in order to succeed. So are the rest of us. So while we all may feel strongly about a particular topic, there's no benefit to posting things that are critical, judgmental, or negative. There's more than enough of that. I'm pretty sure I won't lose weight by telling others what they should have done...

4) Leave your behind in your past and your past behind you.
Nobody ever made progress by working backwards or fixating on their mistakes. It's only from brushing ourselves off, taking our lumps, and putting our feet forward again that we progress. Don't let yesterday's hurts or anger get in the way of tomorrow's success. And don't carry other people's problems on your shoulders... we have enough to carry as it is!

5) Shout it out!
Every victory needs to be celebrated, no matter how big or small it seems. The ounces you lose are still accomplishments to be proud of... so let us know! DO shout it from the rooftops (or the car window, or the bathroom scale)...

6) Don't be a fool- the scale is just a tool!
Don't just rely on any one measuring tool to evaluate your success.... there are measuring tapes and places where inches as well as pounds get lost!!!! Those are known as Non Scale Victories (NSVs) and they matter!

7) Off you go, plateau!~
The fact is at one point or another, your body will stall. Keep watching those measurements, but don't get frustrated.... just push through it! You can do it!

Happy losing, friends!!!

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