Thursday, October 28, 2010

No I haven't forgotten about this blog...

And I certainly haven't been spending my time doing housework OR homework... but I have NEEDED my sense of humor the last couple of weeks. See, when I decided to become a stay-at-home Mom, I never thought in a million years that I would have to, well... STAY AT HOME. I mean, home is fine and all, but those precious hours when Things 1 & 2 are at school learning or whatever they do there is MY time. And that generally means between 8:45 and 3:00, I am NOWHERE near my house.

Then, Thing 2 got sick. I mean scary sick. I mean we rushed to the hospital to make sure he wasn't imploding sick. I've never had to be in a hospital with my children before... yeah, I know... it's part of life... but I was actually scared. He was in agony clutching his little belly and I can't sew a button on a pair of pants so I'm certainly not going to mess with a possible appendix needing some sort of stitchery. We spent most of the 24-hour period while the Dad was away (for the first, and clearly, ONLY time) getting all sorts of icky tests. Anyway, long story short... Thing 2 was ok. No surgery required. Just time and patience. I had plenty of the first.

The first couple days Thing 2 stayed home from school he was really too sick to DO anything so as long as I got enough Gatorade and movies to him, he was ok. By day 4, he was feeling better enough to get out of  bed but not well enough to go to school. In the meantime, I had maxed out my entertainment structure here in the house and was feeling a bit well... cabin feverish. So, I confess... I reverted to my high school hobby of watching soaps. Can't understand for the life of me why anyone watches them... but that's another blog for another day.

Long story short, it was 8 days that I spent AT HOME with Thing 2 in my cast.. hobbling up and down the stairs. Like I have always said, I love my kids.... and I even love my house.... but too much of being at home entertaining them is EXHAUSTING! Thank goodness Thing 2 is ok and back at school where I can miss him once again!

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