Thursday, April 19, 2012

Holocaust Remembrance Day- Never Forget

Today is World Holocaust Remembrance Day, a stark reminder of the depths of humanity's unchecked depravity and intolerance. I'm struck though, by the thought of the people who tried to fight against the tide, who risked their own lives to help strangers, who saw evil and attempted to thwart it.

On this solemn day, which serves to remind us of the dangers of bigotry, racism, and hatred... I wish I could say these problems are gone. And yet, I see people constantly judging, belittling, and even sometimes bullying others. Sometimes for their beliefs or their faith, sometimes for their figure, sometimes for their appearance, sometimes for their own needs. Isn't the lesson learned already?

At its heart, bullying represents the worst of us. It is NOT okay to build ourselves up by tearing others down. It is NOT okay to destroy others in an attempt to create what WE want. It is NOT okay to stand idly by and watch while others do things you know to be wrong and to not try to stop it, or at least bring it to the attention of those who can.

We must never allow the evil of the Holocaust to return. We must also not allow bullying to continue. Not in our schools, our homes, or our workplaces. The fact that there are children out there so traumatized by their peers that they take their own lives... this is beyond heartbreaking.

What can we do?

Be a source of light and inspiration.

Be someone who extends a hand in friendship to others regardless of race, religion, sexual identity, or economic status.

Be a champion of freedom and justice. Defend those who cannot defend themselves.

Be the one to remind others that judging people leads to a focus on our differences and makes it easier to point fingers at "them". Instead of "them", focus on "us". We are all in this together.

Be an advocate, not a bystander.

Be a voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves.

Be someone who does not tolerate injustice.

When we band together, we are unbreakable. When we allow bullies to earn their way to power, it takes a World War to stop them.

Never forget. Never again.

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