Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Cleaning House & Taking Stock (The Garage Sale Weight Loss Plan)

It's almost back-to-school season. I know lots of people do what is referred to as "spring cleaning" but that's never really held a lot of appeal to me. Quite honestly, once spring hits, the LAST thing I want to do is clean.
So here I am, in the heat of the summer, tearing through kids clothes and closets, toy chests, and sweating bullets. Why? Because I have convinced myself and my immediate family members that what we need to do is to have a garage sale. Which I'm sure you can imagine, went over about as well as if I had announced we were going to have a family square dance (which I might enjoy but the boys in my house would rather have root canal surgeries without novacaine).
So, in order to rid myself of all the stuff I have just sitting around here (let us call them say, empty calories), what I am doing is hauling boxes and sorting, labeling and lifting, and sweating my tushie off while doing so.
Getting rid of things is a GREAT feeling. Pulling out the stuff that no one uses or wants anymore to know it's going to go to someone who will use or want it, that's the great thing about the garage sale. The cash is okay, too, but the real value to me is the clearing of the clutter.
So it's not just the kids rooms that are scoured for items of value. It's the kitchen, the basement, the storage closets, the "gift" cubbies, the works. Anything and everything that we haven't touched in the last 2 years is up for consideration.
So while I am getting ready to gain some storage space and some cash, I'm also sweating off some poundage. There may not be an exercise category for it yet, but I'm strapping on my hrm and I will be inputting these calories burned (oh heck yeah I will).
So what's the garage sale weight loss plan? Easy. Call your local paper and schedule an ad for a garage sale. Once you're committed to it, trust me... the calories will run about as fast as the children do when they hear the words "work to be done". AND, you will gain a sense of control over your environment which will only help you stay in control over your eating.
Best of luck. Sale is Friday from 9 to 4. See ya if you might be interested in a ping pong table, or a laserdisc player/collection (cause who didn't have one of THOSE)... ;)

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