Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Gaining instead of losing... MFP from the inside out

I joined MFP on 1/12/12 hoping to lose some weight.

I'm sure you joined for the same reason.

And instead of just losing weight, I've gained. LOTS. Way more than I ever even considered as a possibility.

I've gained:

1) Friends. There. I've said it. I've heard MFP referred to (unflatteringly but in my opinion entertainingly) as "Facebook for the heavyset crowd". But here on MFP, I've met folks from around the world who are fighting the same fight I am. They are of all shapes and sizes, all walks of life, all religions, and all here to help each other through what at times can be a difficult battle to fight alone. Seems to me that the United Nations would be a WHOLE different kettle of fish if you were able to harness the power of MFP... but that's a story for another day.

2) Knowledge. Again, I THOUGHT I knew how to diet. I've done 'em all. From weekly meetings to meals without starch to grapefruit to cookies, I've tried every diet under the sun. What I NEVER had before? Was a true understanding of how and why calories work. And how many I need. And what exercise actually does for me. And how the whole nutritional balance works.

3) Readers. Yup, you guys. You keep me coming back and coming up with great ideas for new blog posts. Sure, some of them end up getting accidentally deleted because I forget to hit "save post" instead of "add post".... but I SO appreciate you taking the time to read the silly words my brain spits out.

4) Confidence. Not that I lacked this one before... I am kind of known for having it. In spades. Or clubs. Or diamonds. Just not usually known for... well... hearts. But this confidence is different. It's a confidence of being able to say I KNOW what I can afford to eat. Which allows me to choose to walk away when the bank account is low.

5) Flexibility. I NEVEr dreamed in a million years I'd be able to go out to eat when I was trying to lose weight. And, admittedly, it's not always easy to find restaurants and/or menu choices that fit inside my calorie/nutrition goal limits. But it IS possible. And having a smart phone makes the food database ALWAYS accessible. It means I can go anywhere and find something I can work with.

6) A healthier relationship with the scale. I used to dread getting on it every week and try to justify the cost of meetings with the results on the scale. So if I KNEW the scale was going to be going up, I would probably end up talking myself out of going to the meeting and before I knew it... I was back on the chipwagon again. NOW, on the other hand, the scale is just a buddy that helps me keep some perspective. Of course, most of my buddies see me in far more clothing...

7) Warm Fuzzies from being able to celebrate my friend's accomplishments and achievements, supporting them when they struggle, and sharing ideas.

So with all that I've gained... what have I lost? At last count, 12 lbs in 80+ days. I've lost some of my cravings, I've lost my interest in certain foods since learning what they actually cost me, and I've lost my attitude about food.

These days, food isn't my enemy or my comfort. It's just energy for my engine. :)

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