Friday, March 30, 2012

Who Put the Break in Spring? Or... why having kids home makes food choices challenging

There are 4 seasons. I'm sure of it. Well, in Michigan, there might only be two. Winter...and Road Construction. But in the rest of the universe/world, there are supposedly 4 seasons. I've heard them referred to sporadically in terms of Fall, Winter, Summer and Spring.

In the "Winter" season come many holidays for many faiths which involve a) children being home from school and b) food and dining opportunities that present many challenges to many people. But truly, I get that one. The Winter holiday season embraces family togetherness, which often invites stress, and with all that food around, sometimes it's the only way to keep ones mouth full enough to NOT SAY the thing they know will be recorded and come back to bite them.

BUT IT"S SPRING. And yet, with 2 kids home for 10 days (or was it 11), there is a whole new host of food crises on the horizon. And I'm not talking about Chocolate Bunnies or Chocolate covered matzah (depending on your religious preferences). I'm talking about the 1,352 daily meals that suddenly people are eating. IN MY HOUSE. ALL THE TIME....

And I'm the first to admit. I'm a kids' food fan. You set out hot dogs, hamburgs, grilled cheese, tomato soup? I'm there. And my kids are seriously ridiculously skinny. Which genes they inherited from their "still fits into the pants we got married in 20 years ago" father. I mean, don't get me wrong. I still fit into the pants I wore around the time of our wedding.... just these days its with my ARMS!

So the super slim boys are constantly grazing. Which is great because I want them to have full unfettered access to the healthy foods and snacks in the house. I WANT them to eat and gain weight. The healthy way. BUT.... I'm apparently genetically incapable of just walking by an assortment of perfectly healthy snacks without the calories leaping out of the fruit and onto my hips. Apparently there's a code somewhere in calories land (kind of like cats that realize you're allergic to them so they choose you) that makes a magnetic attraction to people who are fighting them.

So during my kids' time home from school, I will enjoy every moment I get to spend with them. And I will encourage them to eat healthy foods all day long because their nutritional needs are primary to me. But I'm going to have a long talk with the foods in the kitchen.

Yeah, bananas... I mean you. I know about your potassium and such and I'm all about you being here in the house. I'll enjoy your presence and if I consume you, will happily claim your calories as my own. But don't be doing some weird food transfer to me just because I'm doing dishes. Otherwise, I'll make you into bread. Kapishe?

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