Friday, July 27, 2012

Revenge of the Scale

You all remember that little conversation I shared with you last week between me and the scale, right? Well, let's say this... apparently he (and yes, I'm sure it is a HE) read it and was not thrilled with me.

So I went in this morning. First, he wouldn't turn on. I had to cajole him a couple of times gently with my foot.

Finally he yawned and half flickered his numbers at me.

But I am persistent, and stood on him anyway.

I could hear him saying "you think I didn't notice that you shared our intimate moment together?" All the neighborhood scales on MFP are making fun of me now."

And then I saw a number that was... HIGHER than last week. And I swear, he chuckled.

"Remember that movie popcorn you enjoyed a couple days ago? Yeah.... I heard about it. From the dishwasher."

Now, I admit I enjoyed that popcorn. And I KNOW it had sodium. So while I refuse to accept him
talking back to me, I have decided how I am going to handle this little road bump.

I'm not recording it on MFP. Now, wait... before you go jumping up and down warning me that if I don't it will turn back into a camel bump, hear my logic on it. I admit you MAY be right. And I will have to closely monitor things. But the fact is.... I don't want to get complimented on the same loss twice. I don't want to go up and then come back down and feel like I did something good. I want to only focus on positive progress. I have a new LIFE goal to get back to the weight I was last week (which by the way is only a couple of pounds and I know will be gone... probably tomorrow morning). But this way, my journey is a lot cleaner.

If by trying this, the scale KEEPS going in the wrong direction, I will know that it is not working and I will go back to recording every week, rise or fall. But I'm willing to try something new. And I'm NOT going back to the scale to ask him to change his mind today.

He can bite me.

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